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How To Start Dating Your Old High School Friend

Are you fed up of trying to meet new people? Have you had your fill of your own version of “50 first dates”? Or do not know how to get women phone number even after chatting online with them for ages? Do not be worried and stop thinking you are going to reach your forties without a partner to share your success and happiness with. This is what old friends are for (though not always). 

Know an old friend you always liked and were great friends with in high school but never got the courage to ask her out on a date? Were you both nicknamed “Beauty and the Beast”? Did not even stay in touch with her after school? Still scared to talk to her? Do not know whether she even remembers you?

Following are some tips on how to ask that old school friend out without bruising your ego and ruining the namesake friendship.

Do not be intimidated:You already know a lot about her and also you were friends who just lost touch. It is a no big deal. People do it all the time. If you are hesitant to contact her directly, ping her over facebook or any other social website first. Message her and see how she replies and where it goes.

Use your newly gained looks to your advantage:  She needs to forget your wide rimmed glasses and saber front tooth look. Put some nice display pictures on social networking websites on which she is active. Now is the time to update her on your new looks and remind her that high school is now old school.

Play cool and take her number: This will prove to be one of the most crucial steps for you so tread carefully. You should not sound weird asking her phone number out of the blue. Think of some good excuse like for example you need to discuss on how to arrange an upcoming school reunion party of which you are in charge or that you are throwing a house warming party and have invited all your friends and would like to invite her too, etc. Trick here is to sound convincing enough to get the work done without raising any suspicion.

Put your charm to good use:When you guys meet first time after so long, keep it casual. Plan a coffee meeting or a group dinner. Make sure it does not look like a date. She would anyways be taken aback by your newly found handsome looks. Let her get the most of it. Flash your best smile at her. It is not only guys who go crazy on that flashy smile. Be yourself around her. While discussing the old school days which are bound to come up, try shifting the topic to present day to know her better.

Utilize the chance:Take things slow at first and send subtle signals that you like her. If you get positive vibes, share your feeling with her. Do it directly rather than using new world gadgets. You should be there to make sure that the friendship is not scathed in case she does not approve of your offer.

No matter what the consequences are, maintain the dignity of your existing relationship. Do not be disrespectful or rude. If not love, you just rekindled an old friendship.

Author Box:

James is a magician when it comes to relationships. He not only helps you revive the old bond but also takes it to a new level. You always have answers to issues like how to get women phone number, how to impress your old friend etc., when you follow his line of advice.

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